We are often asked to justify our place on the design team when a client doesn’t understand what we do. The best architects in the world rely on a myriad of experts, from engineers, HVAC specialists, landscape architects and interiors designers. Likewise, lighting designers bring a specific knowledge to a commercial project because we focus solely on lighting. We are most effective when we join the team on the initial phases of the project.
Our goal is to work with the project team to elevate the level of design while finding an even deeper value and energy savings. How do we do that? We are experts in our craft, reviewing pricing, installation costs and delivery method. Simply changing to a lesser fixture does not necessarily realize a significant savings. We look holistically at each project to see how we can get the biggest bang for the buck with the lighting, lighting controls and installation.
There are often important nuances to the power distribution that are important for the entire team to understand prior to installation. As an example, reviewing the lighting controls documents allow us to address these things prior to installation and to avoid costly change orders or delays.
We craft beautiful spaces, but we do so while keeping an eye on the bottom line. We work in concert with the entire design team to provide great service and save valuable dollars. We add to the functionality and financial success of a design that meets the client’s aesthetic and their budget.